1. Select the category you wish to make a submission for. Use the down arrow to view the criteria.

2. Follow the instructions to create an account and register.

3. You will receive a validation code via email from awardsteam@markallengroup.co. Once you've received this please click the Activate link in the email to confirm the set up.

4. Finally, complete the entry form for your submission. You will then be able to complete your entry. All entries to the awards are free of charge. You can return at any point using your login credentials to manage your account and modify your entry until the closing date.

Entries will close 23.00 GMT Friday 23 February 2024.

This category will evaluate hybrid devices (vehicle or handheld) that consist of open standard narrow band LMR and MCX broadband open standards. Entries should be a device.

This item is not available

This category will evaluate new or recently introduced MCX standards based products or solutions.

Entries can be a device, infrastructure solution, component (e.g. base station) or software solution and products.

This item is not available

This category will evaluate new or recently introduced TETRA products or solutions.

Entries can be a TETRA device, infrastructure solution, component (e.g. base station) or software solution.

This item is not available

This category demonstrates the use of novel and advanced technologies that can make a difference to, and/or, use critical communications as a bearer that provides mission critical services to critical industries.

This item is not available

This category will evaluate use cases from industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil & gas customers that demonstrate good utilisation of critical communications solutions in real world operational systems.

The case study must demonstrate clear end user benefits.

This item is not available

This category will evaluate use cases from public safety customers that demonstrate good utilisation of critical communications solutions in real world operational systems. The case study must demonstrate clear end user benefits.

This item is not available

This category will evaluate use cases from transport customers that demonstrates good utilisation of critical communications solutions in real world operational systems. The case study must demonstrate clear end user benefits.

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This category will evaluate use cases from utility customers (electric, water, gas, renewables and energy companies) that demonstrate good utilisation of critical communications solutions in real world operational systems.

The case study must demonstrate clear end user benefits.

This item is not available

This category recognises the social value contribution in the following areas in a critical communications context: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, STEM, mental health support and awareness.

This item is not available

This category is for emerging technology or solutions that are in development or developed but not yet in general use. This could include new antennae technologies, mobile, hand held or other solutions. A product or solution that is a proof of concept or used in a trial is valid.

Note: If the product is being commercially marketed and sold in the masses then this is not an emerging technology and should be entered into one of the other relevant categories.

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This category will evaluate collaborations between Government Authorities, where Government Authorities have worked with one another across state borders to promote and/or apply critical communications standards and solutions.

This item is not available

This category will evaluate the contribution made by young engineers to critical communications.

Open to Manufacturers, End Users, Operators and Consultants.

A young professional engineer is somebody who is 30 or under at the time of nomination.

This item is not available

This category evaluates an individual person that can demonstrate a outstanding life time contribution to critical communications.

This item is not available